
Programme of the conference

Monday, January 14, 2019, 8:45-11:00

  1. 8:15 – Registration
  2. Welcome: Krzysztof Rusek (Director of HIL), Adam Maj (IFJ PAN) (Chair of Nuclear Physics Section of the PTF) (5’)
  3. Krzysztof Rusek (HIL) „History of nuclear physics in Poland”, (15’)
  4. Theory of nuclear structure and dynamics” (conveners: Wojciech Satuła, Witold Nazarewicz) (120’)
    1. Wojciech Satuła „Physics of isospin” (15’)
    2. Marek Płoszajczak (GANIL) „Challenges for theory of atomic nucleus” (25’)(abstrakt)
    3. Yannen Jaganathen (IFJ PAN) „Gamow Shell Model interaction for p- (and maybe sd-) nuclei” (20’)(abstrakt)
    4. Roman Skibiński (UJ) „Few-body systems and nuclear forces” (20’)(abstrakt)
    5. Piotr Magierski (PW) “Towards exascale simulations of nuclear dynamics at low energies” (20’)(abstrakt)
    6. Gabriel Wlazłowski (PW) “Time dependent density functional theory and supercomputing – new prospects for modelling superfluidity in neutron stars” (20’)

Coffee break

Monday, January 14, 2019, 11:30-13:30

  1. Research infrastructures” (conveners: Marta Kicinska-Habior, Marek Lewitowicz) (120’)
    1. Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL, NuPECC) „NUPECC Long Range Plan 2017” (20’)(abstrakt)
    2. Krzysztof Rusek (HIL) „HIL – status and plans for the future” (30’)(abstrakt)
    3. Paweł Olko (IFJ PAN), „CCB – facility for proton therapy and applications” (15’)(abstrakt)
    4. Adam Maj (IFJ PAN) „Nuclear Physics at CCB” (15’)(abstrakt)
    5. Michał Gryziński (NCBJ) „Research reactor MARIA” (15’)
    6. Konrad Czerski (USz) „ Nuclear Physics at Extremely Low Energies: A Small Accelerator System under Ultra High Vacuum Conditions” (20’)
  2. Conference photo


Monday, January 14, 2019, 14:30-16:30

  1. Superheavy elements” (conveners: Janusz Skalski, Krzysztof Rykaczewski) (120’)
    1. Janusz Skalski „ Superheavy Nuclei at HIL – what could be possible?” (15’)(abstrakt)
    2. Krzysztof Rykaczewski (Oak-Ridge) „SHE – experimental opportunities for HIL” (25’) (skype)(abstrakt)
    3. Michał Warda (UMCS) „SHE – theoretical perspective” (20’)
    4. Dariusz Seweryniak (ANL) „ Recoil Separators for Studies of Super-Heavy Nuclei” (20’)(abstrakt)
    5. Michał Kowal (NCBJ) “Structure and decays of high-K states in SHN” (20’)
    6. Aleksander Bilewicz (IChTJ) “Chemistry of superheavy elements” (20’)(abstrakt)

Coffee break

Monday, January 14, 2019, 17:00-19:00

  1. Mechanisms of nuclear reactions in simple and complex systems (conveners: Stanisław Kistryn, Elżbieta Stephan” (120’)
    1. Nicholas Keeley (NCBJ) “Direct Reactions at Stable Beam Facilities” (20’)(abstrakt)
    2. Katarzyna Mazurek (IFJ PAN) „Dynamics of fission in phenomenological models” (20’)
    3. Sahil Upadhyaya (UJ) „FAZIA – status, perspectives for installation and possible physics case in Poland ” (20’)
    4. Agnieszka Trzcińska (HIL) „Barriers distribution” (20’)(abstrakt)
    5. Izabela Skwira-Chalot (UW) „Few-body reactions” (20’)(abstrakt)
    6. Krzysztof Pysz (IFJ PAN) „Nuclear spallation” (20’)(abstrakt)
  1. Poster session with refreshments (conveners: Teresa Rząca-Urban, Maria Kmiecik, Józef Andrzejewski) 19:00-21:00
    1. Jan Kisiel, “Perspektywy wykorzystania laboratoriów podziemnych: projekt BSUIN
    2. Amelia Kosior, “Shape phase transitions in atomic nuclei along Z = 114 and Z = 120 isotopic chains
    3. Wiktor Parol, “3-Nucleon Force in Proton Polarized Helium-3 Scattering. Feasibility Studies
    5. Katarzyna Rusiecka, “Investigation of heavy inorganic scintillators for a fiber-based Compton camera
    6. Paweł Sibczyński, “Application of the pulse-shape discrimination of the PiN type Si detectors in the neutron-rich nuclei investigation
    7. Dominika Wójcik, “Search for in-medium modifications of properties of strange hadrons


Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 8:30-11:00

  1. Gamma spectroscopy” (conveners: Julian Srebrny, Piotr Bednarczyk) (140’)
    1. Piotr Bednarczyk (IFJ PAN) „AGATA – status, perspectives for installation in and possible physics case in Poland” (20’)
    2. Grzegorz Jaworski (HIL) „NEDA – status, perspectives for installation in Poland and possible physics case” (20’)
    3. Jarosław Perkowski (UŁ) „Electron spectrometer – status and perspectives” (20’)
    4. Krzysztof Starosta (SFU, Canada) „Lifetime measurements in inverse geometry” (20’)(abstrakt)
    5. Ernest Grodner (NCBJ) „General outline of research topics feasible in the nearest future at HIL” (20’) (tbc)
    6. Katarzyna Wrzosek-Lipska (HIL) “Deformations of atomic nuclei studied with Coulomb excitation – perspectives and experimental needs” (15′)(abstrakt)
    7. Paweł Napiorkowski (HIL) ” Coulomb excitations of superheavy nuclei – dreams or research project?” (15′)(abstrakt)

Coffee break

Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 11:30-14:10

  1. From isomers to giant resonances” (conveners: Jerzy Dudek, Bogdan Fornal) (160’)
    1. Jerzy Dudek (IPHC Strasburg) „Complementary Mechanisms in Nuclear Structure: Isomers, Highly excited states and Giant Resonances” (15’)(abstrakt)
    2. Bogdan Fornal (IFJ PAN) „Isomeric states in heavy nuclei – experimental perspectives” (20’)
    3. Michał Ciemała (IFJ PAN) „PARIS – status, perspectives for installation in Poland and studies of hot rotating nuclei” (20’)(abstrakt)
    4. Barbara Wasilewska (IFJ PAN) „Giant resonances build on cold nuclei” (15’)(abstrakt)
    5. Mateusz Krzysiek (IFJ PAN) „Experimental studies of the strength function below binding energy” (15’)(abstrakt)
    6. Natalia Cieplicka-Oryńczak (IFJ PAN) “Decay of ‘stretched’ states in the continuum” (15’)(abstrakt)
    7. Agnieszka Korgul (UW) „Fast timing beta-delayed gamma spectroscopy” (15’)(abstrakt)
    8. Łukasz Iskra (Milano) ““Decay spectroscopy of the fission products with Gas-Filled Magnet” (15’)(abstrakt)
    9. Irene Dedes (UMCS) “Isomers in exotic nuclei” (15’)(abstrakt)
    10. Andrzej Staszczak (UMCS) “Do nuclei can assume toroidal shapes?” (15’)(abstrakt)


Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 15:00-18:00

  1. Nuclear physics applications (conveners: Tomasz Matulewicz, Władysław Trzaska) (180’)
    1. Renata Mikołajczak (NCBJ) „CERAD@NCBJ” (20’)
    2. Łukasz Kurpaska (NCBJ) „Material studies” (20’)(abstrakt)
    3. Rafał Prokopowicz (NCBJ) – “Neutrons in interdisciplinary and nuclear studies” (20’)(abstrakt)
    4. Aleksadra Wrońska (UJ) „Prompt gamma imaging for online monitoring in proton therapy – the SiFi-CC project” (20’)(abstrakt)
    5. Monika Paluch-Ferszt (UW) „How to test electronics used in the Cosmos?” (15’)(abstrakt)
    6. Mirosław Ziębliński (IFJ PAN) „Testing response of detectors with high-energy protons at CCB” (15’)(abstrakt)
    7. Paweł Moskal (UJ) “Application of nuclear physics in studies of discrete symmetries, quantum entanglement and positronium imaging with the J-PET tomograph” (20’)
    8. Urszula Kaźmierczak (HIL) „Challenges in radiobiology research with heavy ion beam in Poland” (20’)(abstrakt)
    9. Jarosław Choiński (HIL) “Outlook of production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals at HIL” (15’)(abstrakt)
    10. Tomasz Krawczyk (HIL) “ENSAR2-Nuclear Physics Innovation i Enterprise Europe Network” (10’)

Coffee break

Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 18:15-20:15

  1. Summary of the poster session (T. Rząca-Urban, M. Kmiecik, J. Andrzejewski) (10’)
  2. Discussion Panel (with conveners) (lead by Krzysztof Rusek and Adam Maj) (90’)
  3. Summary talk – Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL, NuPECC) (15’)
  4. Closing – Adam Maj, Krzysztof Rusek, (10’)

Working dinner 20:15-22:00


Here is .zip file with all received presentations in .pdf.